Tuesday, February 5, 2008

No good news...Referrals for February - through the 27th of Dec 2005

Referrals were sent out yesterday. I think they covered about 4 days only. Looks like they are still not finished with 2005...This is such a downer. It has taken them just way too long to get through dossiers for 2005. So many people are losing faith. That's not going to be me though. I think it's now up to 26 or so months. We know she is out there...or will be out there waiting for us when we come to get her.

1 comment:

Sam said...

You khow I would love to see Jan 4th in the next batch of referrals. We could only pray for something like that. I can't wait to get excited about seeing "2006" referral finally move. I will have a party then (insert smile)